0-23M - Full Time Daycare
Register here for a full day
Full day: up to 10 hours max ($7 per 30 minutes over this time.)
Pick up after 6:30: *Late pick up fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged after closing time.
Families enrolled in childcare have up to 2 weeks in each calendar year for vacation during which no tuition will be due for vacations and will not lose continuous enrollment status.
All tuitions are due in advance (first business day following the start of a new month). Monthly tuition payments are due on the first of each month for the full amount whether the tuition is state subsidized or not. (i.e. infant $1040 due on the 1st)
Meals are included at no cost if your child is at the center during the times a meal is served. We will feed your children breakfast, lunch and a PM snack if they are scheduled to be in our care during those times. If they come outside of meal times it will be your responsibility to make sure they are fed.
Meal Start Time End Time
Breakfast 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
Lunch 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
snack 2:00 PM 2:30 PM
Late snack 5:00 PM