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Every child will receive special recognition for their birthday.  I will assign your

child’s special day on or as close to their birthday as possible so they can bring a

special show and tell that day.  If your child has a summer birthday we will 

celebrate his/her un-birthday some other time during the school year. The

birthday poster/paper should be filled out and presented to the class by the

student along with their favorite show and tell item.


Book Orders

Each month I will send home book order forms from the Scholastic Book Club.  These are great books at a fantastic price, purchasing is optional. 



Each month we will post a calendar online that outlines the lessons that we will be covering that month.  The calendar will cover the weekly theme, snacks, birthdays, fieldtrips, show and tell, and other important things that we will be doing during the month.  I encourage you to read over it carefully at the beginning of each month.  Please keep it and refer to it during the month.  


 Communication and Parent Involvement

Parents are welcome at school and there are many times where I can use parent helpers in the classroom for art projects and holiday parties.  I will always be willing to assist in any way.

This year we will have parties to celebrate: Halloween, Thanksgiving pow – wow, Christmas, Valentines and a year - end party.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping out. If you ever have any questions or concerns please contact me anytime. 



We focus heavily on positive reinforcement and consistency.  If a child’s actions get out of hand, I will contact the parents so that we can develop a plan that will modify the child’s behavior so that he/she can get the most out of the preschool experience.

When teaching, the classroom must be under control.  If there is no control, you have lost your students, and therefore, you goals to have them achieve is lost.  For this reason, I have established the following disciplinary action.  All students begin the week with their name under the green smiley face. When a student is talking and not listening, not keeping hands to self, using an outside voice inside, or not doing as I have asked, he/she will be given a verbal warning. If it happens again, his/her name will be moved from green to yellow. If it continues they will be moved to red.  If they end their school week with their name under the red frowny face, they will not be given the privilege of picking a treasure for the week. If however they are just having a bad day them may improve their actions and still receive a treasure.  I have found a reward system is a great incentive.


 Drop off and Pick up Procedures

Bring your child into the lobby, we will take their temperature.  If it is within normal range they can continue back to class. At this time please use the app to check your child in.  After class the teacher will bring the students outside.  Once you and your child have made eye contact they must wait for a head tap from the teacher to be excused.  All adults who are doing the pick up must be out of their car and close to the sidewalk.  This will allow that all students are safe from our hands to yours.  At this time please use the app to check your child out.   Please let us know if someone else will be picking up your child so that we can verify who it is. 

We cannot accommodate children more than 5 minutes before or after school.  Please contact us as soon as possible if an emergency arises that will prevent you from picking up your child on time.  The children will have cleaned up and will be ready to be brought to the front at the end of class time. (Note:  This does not negate your late pick up fee if you are more  than 10 minute late.)  If your child is left after school for 10 minutes or more, you will be accessed a  late pick up fee.  You will need to pay this fee along with your next month’s tuition. 


    Morning Class: beginning at 9:00 -  Drop off is between 8:55 and 9:10 and pick-up is between 11:15 and 11:20


    Late Morning class: beginning at 12:00 - Drop off is between 11:55 and 12:10 and pick-up is between 2:15 and 2:20.


Field trips

We will be going on a few field trips throughout the year.  The dates and times will be posted on your monthly calendar and on the website.  Parent volunteers are much appreciated and very welcome.  If you are interested in driving, I will be sending out sign- up sheets a few days prior to the field trip.  All children must wear a seatbelt and car seat while in the car.  Field trips are so much fun for the kids and I believe they are a very beneficial part of the preschool experience.  If your child is also included in our childcare program, we can transport them in our van.  We cannot accommodate non childcare children.



We follow the Davis School District calendar.  Please check the monthly calendar for any days that we might not have preschool.  In addition to the holidays we also observe any teacher contract days that Davis School District observes.


 Injury & Illness

Little Tiger Preschool LLC DBA Little Tiger Academy and Suzanne Merrill will not be responsible for injuries sustained as a result of participating in school or extra-curricular activities.  We strive to provide a safe and fun atmosphere, however, accidents may happen.  We will inform you of any injuries that we become aware of during class. We do not offer make-up classes if your child misses a class, however, if your child is ill please keep him/her home.  It is not fair to students or our teachers to be around an ill child.  If your child is dropped off ill, we will notify  you immediately to come and get him/her.  (This includes coughs and runny noses.) As the winter months approach, so does the “season of sickness”.  For the sake of your child, and the other preschool children, I ask that you use good judgment in sending your child to school.  If they are contagious, please keep them home with you.  This would include any signs of sickness such as: fever, runny nose, rash, sore throat, cough, diarrhea, pink eye or vomiting.  If your child is exposed to a contagious disease such as chicken pox or mumps, the school should be notified of the date they were exposed.  I will then be able to protect the other children as much as possible.   If your child starts feeling ill while they are at school, I will phone you and ask you to come and pick them up.  If your child is unable to attend school for any extended period of time, please notify the school.  Tuition will not be decreased or refunded for absences.


Questions to ask if you should bring your child to school:  Is my child's nose runny? Have they thrown up in the last 24 hours? Have they had diarrhea in the last 24 hours? Do they have a fever? Do they have a rash? Are they coughing? Are my child's eyes red or oozing (this could be pink eye)?  If you answer yes to any of these questions, please keep them home.


 Late Payment

Timely payments ensure a student's enrolled status.  payments received after the 1st of the month are considered late.  A fee will be added if not received by the 5th.  Late fees will be added to the following months invoice and due by the 1st of that month.


​Lost Articles

Please label your child’s shoes, bag, coat, etc.  We will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.  Any items not claimed at the end of each month will be taken to  good will.


​Registration and Tuition

The registration fee is due at the time of registration. ($75 all classes) This fee guarantees your child a place in the class.  It also covers basic materials for your child that will be used throughout the year.  This is nonrefundable.

Monthly tuition is due on the 1st of the month Any tuition paid after the 5th day of the month will receive a late fee for preschool.  This fee must accompany payments made after the 1st of the current month of attendance.  


​Tuition is billed monthly, not day to day.  Therefore if your child misses due to vacation or illness, the tuition is still the set amount. If you choose to pull your child for any reason we require a 30 day written notice. Phone calls are not acceptable.  You are responsible for 30 days worth of tuition from the time we receive the notice.   Full tuition will be charged regardless of the following: 


*Class is canceled due to extreme weather conditions.

*Class is not held due to a holiday or school vacation.

*Your child misses a class for any reason.


We follow the Davis County Traditional School Schedule.  If there is no school, there is not class.  There are a few exceptions including the first day of school, which is the Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day; and our last day of school, which is the week of May 20th.

There is no pro-rated tuition.  In the event of absences due to sickness, vacations, or standard Davis county school holidays, full payment is required to preserve a student's enrolled status.


 Severe Weather Policy

There are times when school may be canceled or delayed due to inclement weather.  On doubtful mornings, please contact Little Tiger Academy.  If, during the day, weather factors dictate school closure earlier than the regular scheduled time, we will notify you.  We must have at least two emergency contact people and their phone numbers.


 Show and Tell

 Show and Tell is time that I set aside for the children to share important, interesting, or exciting events in their lives.  This allotted time is valuable to the students and proves to be something they really look forward to.

The ability to express him/herself in front of a group is an important skill your child needs throughout life.  Our Show and Tell time will help your child improve his/her speaking before a group and develop skills for being a good listener.

The monthly calendar  will indicate the date your child has show and tell.  Your help in this area is greatly appreciated and will help your child feel comfortable in sharing his/her item. Please allow your child to bring only one item.

Parents and children are responsible for remembering to bring these things back home. Children should not bring anything to school on any other days unless special arrangements are made. They should never bring candy or gum.  Please check their pockets.



                Each child needs to bring a backpack or bag with them to school each day.  Please put their name on it.  This backpack needs to fit a 9x12 sheet of paper.  We do many projects at preschool and we want them to get home safely. We will provide a folder for your child that will come to school and back home each day, so please keep this folder in a safe place at home.  This is a great way to start teaching your child responsibility.

Reading with Magnifying Glass

Policy and Procedures

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