Harmons grocery storeIn November I like to talk about food. How it is grown and how it helps our body. This year we went to Harmon's grocery store in Farmington for a tour. They showed us all sorts of stuff and we got a lot of samples.IMG_3759_edited_editedIMG_3767_editedIMG_3765_editedIMG_3768_editedIMG_3752IMG_3774_editedIMG_3757
In November I like to talk about food. How it is grown and how it helps our body. This year we went to Harmon's grocery store in Farmington for a tour. They showed us all sorts of stuff and we got a lot of samples.IMG_3759_edited_editedIMG_3767_editedIMG_3765_editedIMG_3768_editedIMG_3752IMG_3774_editedIMG_3757